In 2021 the tax-authorities of Norway collected 463 million kroner too much from estimated 25 thousand foreign workers. The numbers are increasing year by year. The tax-autorities keep the money unless the foreign worker make a claim. Many foreign workers do not know. Source:
Plog2 AS is a Norwegian company specializing in assisting foreign workers with certain salary tax issues. The typical cases are foreigners that worked less than 12 months in Norway, or foreigners living here with no services from NAV due to missing membership in the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme (folketrygden).
ISSUE 1 – You didn’t receive your tax return or tax assessment
The tax system for foreigners are explained on You are probably eligible for a claim if you have received salary in Norway and did not receive one of the following:
- “tax return” (skattemelding) within april the following year
- “tax assessment” (skatteoppgjør) within november the following year
If you were charged 25% tax under the “PAYE” or you were charged 50% tax because you didn’t obtain a tax deduction card (skattekort), it’s an indicator the claim will be significant.
If the claim is raised within 3 years it will be handled properly. Claims raised after 3 years may succeed, but are more uncertain.
ISSUE 2 – You paid National Insurance Contribution for no reason
If you received salary in Norway without being member of Norwegian National Insurance Scheme (folketrygden / NAV) any year before 2022, you may have paid National Insurance Contribution (trygdeavgift) by an error.
A typical reason could be that your stay in Norway were informal, and not formalized by UDI. That doesn’t mean your stay was illegal. Unless a court has decided it was illegal within 5 years, you’re considered innocent.
There is no time limit for raising claims related to excessive National Insurance Contributions. We’re currently assisting 140 rejected asylum seekers on this issue where the claims are dating back from 2011 and before.
Please fill in and sign our application form. Send by email to
If we accept you as our client, we’ll provide the following services:
- request the necessary information from UDI if required
- request membership in the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme from NAV if required
- request the necessary information from the tax-authorities
- contact you if any information is missing, and help you secure your obligations to inform the authorities are met
- make the claim
- collect the money on your behalf
All files and information will be stored as pdf-files in a OneDrive-folder where you’ll be provided continous read-only access.
- no cure, no pay
- if we succeed with the claim, we’ll transfer 80% of the money to you, and keep the rest (20%) for our administration.